Monday, February 1, 2010

Facebook is Fun

I miss Old New York. 

Well - my Old New York.  Before Facebook.  Before Twitter.  When hipsters didn't really have a name - they were just hip (pun intended kind of).  People didn't really sit around blogging or vlogging about the world and the things we did we just did.  We didn't have to update our status from our phones.  I'm pretty sure most of our phones didn't have that option. 

OK this was all of, like, 5 years ago.  But still...

The other day the Boy said something about me being his "future wife".  And, as in Stephanie fashion - before I could think I said "Oh God".  Sometimes my frontal lobes stall for a second.  Of course he was a little - uh - taken aback. 

I didn't mean it like "Oh God I'm marrying you".  More like "Oh God I'm getting married"!  Me.  The same girl who, for the greater part of a year, spent convincing close friends and family that there are actually benefits to the idea of a life of singledom.  I'm 28 youngish.  I think of married like I do of taxes and owning property - old people do that stuff.  I'm still trying to figure out how I can skip things like Jury Duty and dusting and I am supposed to be a grown up who picks out China patterns?? * For the record - we are NOT registering for stupid crap like China and the like.  I'm currently trying to figure out how to convince him that we SHOULD register for things like shoes, boots and handbags.  I'll let ya know how that goes.

I'm not that responsible.  Yes - at work I keep people from dying and make sure to chart their vital signs at reasonable times.  But that's just my job.  At home, sometimes I forget to take my make-up off.  SOMETIMES I wear the same socks 2 days in a row.  Maybe t.m.i but you get my drift.

Anyway, all of this deep "what am I doing with my life" thinking prompted me to stalk old friends on Facebook.  Because that can either make me feel really good about myself or really really bad.

In this case - both. 

Let's start with the good - obviously there are the girls from high school on Facebook who like to post the "I'm so drunk everynight" photos.  Those make me feel GOOD.  Good because my friends love me enough to keep THOSE photos OFF of Facebook (thank you Diana).  Also anyone who has gained a significant amount of weight/talks about their cats/has like 5 kids - all make me feel GOOD.

THEN there are the overachievers.  The kids in class - who by grade 3 - knew they were going to climb the Ivy Towers and be all smart and shit.  You can tell these people by their very cerebral, usually politically driven status updates.  They make my updates about the Starbucks man seem childish in comparison.  (But he is SO nice - he noticed my haicut and he ALWAYS remembers how I like my coffee).  Besides, I'm sorry if I don't think Facebook is the place to take political stands.  I'm like the Swiss.  I like neutral grounds. 

Anyway, those  smartasses make me feel BAD.  Their smug "Law School Graduation" photo albums - make me sick.  I knew them when they still picked their noses.  I bet their law school buddies would love to see those pictures - 80's hair, scrunchie socks and fingers just digging away.  In fact - said Law School Graduate Girl used to eat her boogers during assembly.  So THERE!!

Last but not least - there are the wildcards.  The kids you thought would end up either social outcasts or institutionalized for the rest of their lives but they do something crazy like go to school for Astronomy or marry one of the prettiest girls in class.  Or PROCREATE.  One such example is the ADD kid who used to sell me his Ritalin in the 8th grade.  He was sent to the principal's office repeatedly for things such as: masturbation in the boys room or drug deals in homeroom.  He is now married with child. 

Anyway, I am not really sure where I was going with this - but Facebook is kind of fun. 

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